
Type can be one of the following:

Basic Types:

Type TagTypeJavascript Type

Additional Types

Type TagTypeJavascript Type
TTrue1 (number)
FFalse0 (number)


Prefix: /intermix/system

Messages that get processed by the intermix core. They're normally just used intermally so app/plugin developers don't have to deal with them.

OSC AddressValue NameTypeRangeSinceComment
/addPluginaddPluginsnone0.5.0Adds a plugin-reference to the store. Payload is the item ID.
/removePluginremovePluginsnone0.5.0Removes a plugin-reference from the store. Payload is the item ID.
/addPartaddPartsnone0.5.0Adds a part-reference to the store. Payload is the item ID.
/removePartremovePartsnone0.5.0Removes a part-reference to the store. Payload is the item ID.

Common Messages for Instruments

Plugin Type: Instrument

Prefix: /intermix/plugin/<UID>

Common tasks. Every instrument plugin will have these messages attached when added to the registry.

OSC AddressValue NameTypeRangeSinceComment
/notenotesiiffnone0.5.0name, note-value, velocity, duration, starttime
/volumevolumesffnone0.5.0name, loudness-value, starttime
/savePresetsavePresetsnone0.6.0saves all properties defined in 'actionDefs' to a preset
/loadPresetloadPresetsnone0.6.0loads a preset and changes plugin settings accordingly
/presetSlotNumberpresetSlotNumberinone0.6.0sets the preset slot that presets can be loaded from or saved to
/presetSlotNamepresetSlotNamesnone0.6.0sets the name of a preset to the current slot


Plugin Type: Controller

Prefix: /intermix/plugin/<UID>

OSC AddressValue NameTypeRangeSinceComment
/startrunningTnone0.5.0starts sequencing
/stoprunningFnone0.5.0stops sequencing
/positionpositioninone0.6.0jump to a specific step in the score
/resetrunning, pointerNnone0.5.0stops sequencing and sets the score pointer to 0
/bpmbpmf[0;240]0.5.0sets tempo in BeatsPerMinute
/loopStartloopStartinone0.5.0sets the loop startpoint in steps
/loopEndloopEndinone0.5.0sets the loop endpoint in steps
/loopActivateloopActiveTnone0.5.0sets the loop active
/loopInactivateloopActiveFnone0.5.0sets the loop inactive
/activeStepactiveStepinone0.5.0Chooses the step where the next operation will take place
/addPartaddedPartsnone0.5.0Adds a part reference to the active step
/removePartremovedPartsnone0.5.0Removes a part reference from the active step


SeqParts are not plugins but behave similarly.

Prefix: /intermix/seqpart/<UID>

OSC AddressValue NameTypeRangeSinceComment
/activateStepactiveStepinone0.5.0Chooses the step where the next operation will take place
/addNotenoteNotenone0.5.0Adds a note to the pattern
/addCtrladdedCtrlControllernone0.5.0Adds a controller to the pattern
/removeNoteremovedNoteNotenone0.5.0Removes a note from the pattern
/removeCtrlremovedCtrlControllernone0.5.0Removes a controller from the pattern

You can bundle /activateStep with any of the other actions.


Plugin Type: Instrument

Prefix: /intermix/plugin/<UID>

OSC AddressValue NameTypeRangeSinceComment
/notenotesiiff[0;127]0.5.0plays a note
/stopstopNnone0.5.0disconnects all nodes from audio output
/envAttackenvAttackf[0;1]0.5.0Filter Envelope Attack
/envDecayenvDecayf[0;1]0.5.0Filter Envelope Decay


Plugin Type: Instrument

Prefix: /intermix/plugin/<UID>

OSC AddressValue NameTypeRangeSinceComment
/notenotesiiff[0;127]0.5.0Plays a note